I am here again - today.
Welcome myself - to my personal room. I hope those happen to come and see me here would do good to me.
Completed my first session of Mindfulness for Life successfully from Oxford Mindfulness Centre UK under the guidance of Susan McPherson. Ya I am always in love with UK trainers.
The 2 and a half hours Zoom session started at 1.00 am in the morning - and alhamdulillah I managed to do my Tahajud but not part of Juzu' 6 that I missed for two days in a row.
I notice I am a different person today. I am a different learner.
I am grounded. I am calm, confident, and sure. It is me I am concern most and not what other people would see or say about me.
I am aware of my running thoughts - and I am saying goodbye to them occasionally.
I have a small expectation - and willing to be open and accepting.
I treasure the time and opportunity that Allah gives me.
InsyaAllah this is for the benefit of me to be a better servant of Allah, wife, mother, daughter, teacher, friend, sister, auntie, and anything that I could be.
For this week, daily I would have 3 homework to do - that I secretly commit to an exchange of Robotic vacuum (I know... what a trade..)
I would do the first one of 10 things I am grateful of today - Thursday 17.9.2020
Alhamdulillah I am grateful for:
1. Looking forward for a small farewell makan-makan with my trainees - they are first born graduate in Master of Psychology (Clinical) USM UPSI - I have planned a farewell activity that I love
2. Managed to convince Ilham to go to school despite she failed to complete her homework - with lesser drama.
3. Got an 'OK/ Ha ah' responses from a teacher who has never seen to smile to, welcome, speak to, look upon, us the parents when we sent our children in, following my statement 'Izzat is soiling' - to which made me responded as 'Sorry ya'. This is an achievement.
4. Getting a 'revelation' to start writing here, again.
5. Listening to the sound of an air conditioner in my office and thinking what a blessed life I have so far, and I am thankful.
I will need to continue later as I have to start my work now. I will put unrelated image here, to simply beautify my entry.
The above is my second born - Cohort 2 of Master in Psychology (Clinical) USM-UPSI. They are going to enter year 2 by October 2020. A proud mom I am.