Grateful Day 2

 There goes the second bits of my GRATITUDE list today 17.09.2020 (Thursday):

My first bunch of lady soldiers: Nadia, Ti Whan, Angela, Diana, Liyana, Audrey, and Joey 

The girls cheer leading  my talk on Mental Health Day October 2019. It was a paid event and they spent their money to listen to me - grateful. Ti Whan, Liyana, Diana and Audrey

I brought these girls to an Open Day event - a big one to do IQ assessment (what else) where public came in and received free testing and counseling from the eager new trainees. It was on weekend thus my two kiddos joined me (and ate our meals) and the baby was with his father - sleeping in the car. 

Again an open day - this one outside USM at KB Malla where the trainees were working for two days with Department of Neuroscience public event.

The stressed trying to smile anyway for a pose trainees in their first ever Practicum Seminar. The technical and connection problem with UPSI were real headache then. 

This is today 17.09.2020. They were 'forced' to do a small assignment despite leaving the office for good soon - sorry even Dr Faiz feels the pressure. 

Hanna A., Ti Whan, Joey, Hanna M., Nadia, Asmirah, Angela, myself and Dr Faiz at trainee's room. 

Graduating Cohort 1 - we made it Alhamdulillah 

6. Graduating and sending off my trainees to real life with a brief makan-makan together plus a small notebook to write down some memories we have shared together.

7. Graduating a postgraduate student in MSc Science (Psychology) from UPSI as an external examiner who completing her qualitative research with minor correction.

8. Seeing a young girl at USAINS clinic for feeling I am not worth for abundant of love I am receiving except I perform excellently well academically. 

9. Received a specially designed signature  bag 'ao' with a blue fluppy whale from my trainees Practicum 2.

10. Got a cute mug with golden spoon from Diana - soon to be taken January 2, 2021. 

What a full day of LOVE. Ya, I have not yet reading my notes. It will definitely be the next list to be grateful of. 
