Grateful Day 4

 I did my 10-fingers grateful exercise ' manually yesterday and missed the earlier day. 

Tonight I determine to write down here again:

I am GRATEFUL for:

1. Corrected my SMJ paper for countless time and sent by corresponding author - hope for the last time.

2. Being offline for almost 4 hours as my charger was left home and hp was running out battery. 

3. Going shop for charger and happened to catch so many things together cost me another few hundreds.

4. Enjoying the stuff I shopped. 

5. Having a good catch up with colleague at office.

6. Eating her roti canai.

7. Having supervision and letting them know my feelings towards their actions/non action and again my expectations. 

8. Working very late for submission one very short paper I promised since few weeks and managed to do it in 1 hour. Alhamdulillah. Good start though insignificant indexing. 

9.  Husband treated us dinner.

10. Cuddling my boy. 

Mindfulness for Life Day 4. 

So many missed homework. 

So tired to think negative. 

Going on, moving on.